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3. UAT Validation

The UAT envirponment for OCEN 4.0 is setup at Post completion of the Onboarding and the Tech Readiness steps, participants may validate their product and product network in the UAT environment.

A successful validation in the UAT environment requires that each participant that is to be part of the product network has completed the earlier two steps. They should be able to communicate with each other using the OCEN registry in the UAT and validate the end-to-end loan journey for serving their product.

Tech Specs Certification

Participants must also get their OCEN Specs implementation certified by empanelled organisations that wish to provide independent certification services to members of the OCEN ecosystem. The certification process specifies a set of tests that all participants must pass, to verify their adherence to OCEN 4.0 Specification. This will include validation of the API implementation as well as adherance to standards such as sending Heartbeat API calls post every request, analytics API call for lender roles, etc.

The OCEN team will assit with the certification process for the OCEN 4.0 Wave 1 participants.