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1. Participant onboarding

The Loan Journey onboarding phase requires participants to be registered with the OCEN registry. A pre-requisite for this step is that the participants - such as LA and Lenders, have finalized the product(s) they want to serve on the network and have signed legal contracts with each other for the same.

In order to onboard onto the OCEN registry:

  1. Submit the OCEN Contact form to become a participant
  2. Post approval, participants will receive an email with their auth credentials - clientID and clientSecret. These credentials are needed for validation of the tech readiness in the UAT environment.
  3. If partcipant is Lender, the participant then gets to create the product on the OCEN registry (via the portal)
  4. If partcipant is LA, the participant then gets to create the product network with the Lender and other participants (via the portal).
  5. Partcipant then joins the product network on the registry (via the portal)

OCEN 4.0 Wave 1

For Wave 1 of OCEN 4.0, the pre-requisite for the onboarding step is enabled manually by the OCEN team in a 1-1 fashion. Post applying via the form in Step 1 above, the OCEN team will match the participant with other participants needed for creation of the product and the product network. Once matched, the participants are expected to finalize their commercial agreements and sign legal contracts with each other.

Participants will then have to provide additional information to the OCEN team to complete their registration in the OCEN registry (such as their API endpoints and cryptographic public key) and will receive their auth credentials.